Just in case you got lost and couldn't find the sea of pink outfits along Broadway, you could follow the itinerary
The birthday girl. Fergie would call her 'glamourous'
Question: What are they staring at?
Another backyard banger; the cops even came because of noise complaints. Maybe they thought it was Prom...
I think they're all huddled around the table for a science project or something...
The Jet bouncer said no sneakers next time...These are worth more than your Banana Republic suit jackass. Dress codes really grind my gears. If I see another dude rockin his suit jacket with jeans I'm gonna kill myself. Don't you know the grown and sexy movement is over?
We ended up at Jane's where we sipped cocktails and threw pudding snack packs across the street at the nighttime security guards. Retarded, yes. Fun, yes.
Obligatory T. Bell run. Oops, sorry stomach.
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